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What Is Meant by Substantial Performance of a Contract at Common Law

What is Meant by Substantial Performance of a Contract at Common Law?

Contracts are the backbone of many business transactions, and it`s crucial to ensure that each party fulfills their obligations under the agreement. The concept of substantial performance is central to contract law, as it determines whether a party has completed its contractual duties to a satisfactory level.

Substantial performance is a legal principle that refers to the level of performance required under a contract. It`s a concept that`s used in common law to determine whether a party has met the terms and conditions of the agreement. According to this principle, if a party has completed most of the contract`s obligations but has not fulfilled a minor part of it, they may still have substantially performed their obligations.

In essence, if the performance of the contract satisfies the main purpose and essential terms of the agreement, it`s considered a substantial performance. The party that substantially satisfies its contractual obligations is entitled to the agreed-upon compensation. However, if a party fails to perform its contractual duties to a substantial level, the other party may have the right to terminate the contract and seek damages for any losses suffered.

The concept of substantial performance is subjective, and the level of performance required can differ from one contract to another. In most cases, substantial performance is determined based on the facts and circumstances of each contract`s particular case.

For instance, in a construction contract, substantial performance may require the completion of most of the work outlined in the agreement, with only minor defects that do not interfere with the main purpose of the project. On the other hand, in a contract for the sale of goods or services, the level of performance required may be higher, necessitating the fulfillment of all obligations outlined in the agreement.

In conclusion, the concept of substantial performance is central to contract law, and it`s essential to understand its implications both for fulfilling obligations and for seeking legal remedies in case of breaches. A contract`s level of performance is subjective and depends on the specifics of each agreement. Therefore, it`s crucial to review the terms and conditions of any contract carefully, to ensure each party has a clear understanding of the required level of performance and their obligations.

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